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2025/26 Details for Enrollment
1. Application Method:
(For further details, please refer to "How to Apply")
2. Distribution and Submission Period:
² Whole year
3. Application Fee:
² Free of charge
Information on Admission to K1 Classes
EDB Admission Arrangements for Nursery (K1) Classes in Kindergartens
School Features
- Provide children with a safe and suitable environment for growth; using continued and consummate assessment records to observe the various aspects of development of children and foster the next generation.
- Emphasis on early recognition and intervention; providing appropriate guidance and programmes based on individual differences of children.
- Emphasis on children’s self-care training, including the abilities to take care of oneself, take care of others and take care one’s surroundings.
- Oversee children’s emotional development, establish within them senses of security, uniqueness, ability, contact and direction.
- Acquire life knowledge and skills through the five senses and body; maintaining a pleasant mood, concentration training and body strength.
- Facilitate fine and gross-motors, pre-writing techniques, and reading/writing abilities through the S.M.A.R.T curriculum.
- The nursery school’s professional team consists of educational psychologist, physio therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, social worker and curriculum officer who work together to provide pedagogical consultation and professional training on a regular basis.
The curriculum emphasizes children’s learning initiatives. Based on the different abilities and personalities of children, diverse and inspiring activities, whole-language instruction, project learning are adopted to achieve a comprehensive and spiral curriculum. This also helps facilitate the moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic development of children, thus establishing a solid foundation for their learning and growth.
3/F., Chai Wan Municipal Services Building,
338 Chai Wan Road, Hong Kong
2558 6639
2558 1182